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Ashe in America: Team America First Destroys the Establishment

On Opposition Turf, with Opposition Rules, and Opposition Refs



Credit: Ashe in America (

Wow – reading the below piece by Ashe in America it’s like deja vu for those of us in the fight here in South Carolina! It is also a roadmap and blueprint for how to beat the establishment at its own game. This is an excellent blog “actively documenting the Great American Gaslight” that you can and should subscribe to HERE … but in the meantime, read below what is being reported on what is happening in the Colorado Republican Party! America First is winning!

*The below is a copy of an article from Ashe in America blog (you can subscribe and read it HERE) and FULL credit goes to the author.

In January 2021, longtime grassroots leaders in Colorado’s Republican party began coaching the newly engaged, mad-as-hell election integrity activists on how to reclaim the party for the people.

The strategy is now a national movement known as the Precinct Strategy, led by Dan Schultz and Steve Stern. The Precinct Strategy aims to elect America First patriots as voting members within the local Republican Party apparatus, using party bylaws to reclaim power and control from the donor class and restore it to the people.

Colorado was doing it before it was cool, though, I admit, I never believed it would be successful.

I am not a Republican, but as one of those pissed off election activists, I’ve watched the business of the Colorado Republican Party with great interest. I stand with the people, and I’ve written extensively about their battles with the establishment over the past two years. 

Silly Games, Silly Prizes

El Paso County, Colorado is the most populous county in Colorado, with 722,736 residents according to the most recent US Census. Colorado Springs is the county seat, lovingly referred to as Olympic City USA since the US Olympic and Paralympic Training Center calls the city home.

El Paso County is also unique in that it is the only county in the nation that is home to five US military commands: Fort Carson, the United States Air Force Academy, Peterson Air Force Base, Schriever Air Force Base, and Cheyenne Mountain, which houses the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). 

El Paso County also happens to be the fifth largest Republican party in the nation.

The Deep State and Military Industrial Complex vibes are strong here, so it should not be surprising that the attempts of the people to reclaim their party from the establishment have been a series of vicious and seemingly failed battles since the stolen election on November 3, 2020. 

The latest battle has been underway for nearly a year.

In March and April of 2022, after America First patriots swept the Republican County Assemblies and State Assembly and Convention, the El Paso County establishment did an about face on their calls for unity and established “Peak Republicans” – an alternate GOP apparatus for El Paso County. 

On March 31, 2022 they filed for the trade name and, on January 18, 2023, filed to renew the trade name. 

Source: Secretary of State Business Entity Registration Database

It’s important to understand that this alternate party entity was formed by the establishment while the existing party was enjoying the highest participation levels in more than a decade.

Under Chairwoman Vickie Tonkins’ leadership, the El Paso County Republican Party was growing, exciting voters, and moving the people from apathy to action. 

Still, my sources tell me that Colorado GOP Chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown attended the “grand opening” of the Peak Republicans’ office in Colorado Springs in April 2022.

I’ve long said that the Republican establishment is perfectly content being the minority in our state, and the establishment is fighting hard to stop the populist growth of the party. Allow me to make my case. 

Make Your Move: Swampy Players in the Colorado Swamp Annex

Chairwoman Burton Brown was elected in 2021. Her victory was solely due to grassroots candidates throwing their support – their votes – her way in the third round of voting. 

The shift was not about confidence in Burton Brown; rather, the Chairwoman’s success was an effort to defeat former Republican Secretary of State Scott Gessler. Prior to the third vote, Gessler took the first two rounds.  Pivotal in Burton-Brown’s victory were the votes of El Paso County Chairwoman Vickie Tonkins and her county’s voting members.

During his time as Secretary of State, Gessler held an investigation into electronic voting equipment, wrote standards for its use, and paved the way for his predecessor, Wayne Williams, to bring Dominion Voting Systems into the state of Colorado. 

Side Note: Former Secretary of State Williams is currently serving as Colorado Springs City Councilman At Large as well as Senior Advisor to Runbeck Election Services. He was one of the appointed overseers for Mesa County elections after Secretary Griswold illegally removed Clerk Tina Peters from her post in 2021. But wait, there’s more!

Williams’ wife Holly Williams is an El Paso County Commissioner with oversight of election contracts, including those awarded to Runbeck Election Services – the latest of which occurred last year. Runbeck Election Services…where her husband is a Senior Advisor. You really can’t make this up.

Wayne Williams is currently running for Mayor of Colorado Springs against Benghazi war hero John “Tig” Tiegan. These are all Republicans, these swampy and conflicted players. Colorado’s election issues, the inception of the Election Fraud Test Kitchen, is predominantly the work of Republicans, not Democrats. 

Back to our story, during Burton Brown’s 2021 election, activists held the line and demanded promises from the Chairwoman on matters of election integrity. She was only elected because the grassroots believed her promises. Immediately upon securing her post, she abandoned those promises. 

In July of 2022, any remaining doubt of the Chairwoman’s priorities vanished.

Immediately following the provably rigged Colorado Primary elections on June 28, 2022, Burton Brown assigned the party’s get out the vote effort – and all the resources that come with that assignment – to the Peak Republicans instead of the El Paso County Republican Party. 

Predictably, their get out the vote efforts failed – the unlikeable CO Republican establishment has zero political capital – and the triple communist majority in our state holds. 

Race Game: Setting the Narrative & Misleading the People

Immediately following their November midterm upset — the failed red wave — the Party establishment began pushing a specific narrative. Burton Brown went on the George Brauchler radio show to tease the idea of revoking a county’s GOP charter.

Brauchler’s show is a favorite outlet for the Burton Brown, and my readers will remember her performance last year where, following her humiliation at the state assembly, she disparaged 61% of party voting members while her Vice Chair referred to them as “Judas” – during Holy Week

In hindsight, Burton Brown was absolutely setting the narrative for the planned coup of the El Paso County Republican Party. 

In December, just after Christmas, then El Paso Treasurer-elect and sitting County Clerk & Recorder Chuck Broerman circulated a petition to force a meeting of the State Central Committee to remove the El Paso County Republican Party and ostensibly hand the power and resources to Peak Republicans. 

My readers will remember Broerman as the Gaslighter in Chief who oversaw the fraud-ridden recount of the 2022 Primary election:

Broerman’s petition required 25% of the State Central Committee members, roughly 125 signatures, and it failed.

But a failed petition wasn’t enough to stop those Peak Republicans! 

Just a few weeks ago in mid-January, a new complaint was issued, and Burton Brown inexplicably agreed to hold the meeting about El Paso despite the failure of Broerman’s petition. The State Chairwoman sent a Call to Meeting for the State Central Committee on January 31, 2023 via Zoom, but she did not include the complaint against the El Paso County Republicans in that correspondence. 

Rather, she sent the complaint to El Paso Chairwoman Tonkins, recommended that Tonkins craft a response, and promised to send both the complaint and Tonkins’ response to the full committee in advance of the meeting. 

Tonkins crafted a response that was signed by dozens of voting members; Burton Brown then refused to send the response out with the complaint because, in summary, “You didn’t write what I wanted you to write.”

Again, Burton Brown abandoned her promise, and only the complaint was sent to the members of the State Central Committee. 

On January 26, five days before Burton Brown’s meeting, Tonkins sent her Call to Meeting for the County Central Committee meeting on February 11. This meeting is important as it determines party leadership for the county; that is, this meeting is where voting members of the county party elect their party leadership for the next two year term.

Around that time, Tonkins filed a lawsuit against Burton Brown and the Colorado GOP, requesting that the state party be restricted from interfering in the business of the county party. 

A couple days later, on January 31, 2023, it was time for Burton Brown’s Zoom meeting. The meeting went exactly as you’d expect: 

  • Chairwoman Tonkins was removed from overseeing the upcoming county meetings. 
  • Oversight was assigned to a “neutral third party,” Burton Brown’s favorite Parliamentarian Greg Carlson. 
  • Location of the February 11 election was moved from the location announced by Tonkins’ to the Peak Republicans location.

Most importantly, the Credentialing Committee was prescribed to be the five Division Chairs in the county party – all of whom were sympathetic to the Peak Republicans’ cause.

Read the Full GOP Order Here.

A massive blow to America First, Tonkins and her team were resolved to have their own meeting on February 11, hopeful that the judge would rule in their favor.

To that end, on February 3, Tonkins asked the judge for the temporary restraining order against Burton Brown and the party. 

That request sat with the judge until February 9. 

Switcheroo: It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn

On February 9, just a few hours before the meeting of the Credentialing Committee, the judge threw out Tonkins’ lawsuit, including the restraining order. The judge cited lack of jurisdiction, claiming that it was not the role of the courts to engage in party business. Read the Judge’s Order Here.

Burton Brown took a victory lap, misrepresenting to the people that the judge had ruled against Tonkins when, in reality, the judge declined to rule at all.

Team America First was reeling, and Tonkins resolved to abstain from the Credentialing Committee meeting and move ahead with the El Paso County Republicans meeting on Saturday.  This would mean dueling County Central Committee meetings to elect party leadership. It would mean a divided party apparatus in the county, and a dispute to be settled at the State Central Committee Meeting in March.

The dispute would be legitimate but, during the January 31 Zoom meeting, it had been determined that the Peak Republican meeting would be the authoritative event. Thus, the dispute would likely be resolved in their favor.

For Team American First, the situation was dire. 

The Big Wheel: You Gotta Spin to Win

Remember how I said that the designation of the Credentialing Committee was the most important outcome of the January 31 Zoom meeting? 

Make no mistake, the purpose of the February 9th Credentialing Committee meeting was an effort to manipulate the party leadership vote on February 11. The matter being debated and decided was the status of 67 voting members that were legally appointed by El Paso County Republican leadership following the 2022 caucus. 

The status of those voting members elected at caucus was not in question, but those appointed after caucus were being challenged by the establishment. The El Paso County Republican Party bylaws absolutely allow the party leadership to appoint voting members into vacant roles. These 67 members were appointed by Tonkins’ team, so the establishment had high confidence that they were not friendly or sympathetic to the ongoing coup attempts of the Peak Republicans.  

Despite their legal blow earlier that day, Team America First attended the meeting and, at the last minute, convinced Tonkins to join as well. Parliamentarian Greg Carlson was presiding over the meeting, and he allowed Tonkins to participate and be recognized in the event intended to destroy her.

During the Credentialing Committee meeting, the establishment challenges were laughable. At one particularly humiliating moment, a Peak Republican attempted to challenge the voting member status of retired Border Patrol Chief and former El Paso County Sheriff Candidate Todd Watkins. 

Watkins attended the meeting as an observer, but when his name was called, he asked the Parliamentarian to be recognized, and he was allowed to speak. 

Watkins: “From what office are you attempting to remove me?”

Establishment: “Precinct Committeeman.”

Watkins: “Would it surprise the committee to find that I am not a Precinct Committeeman?”

Silence, then shuffling in the background.

Establishment: “Oh, it must be Bonus Member.”

Watkins: “Would it further surprise the committee to find that I am not a Bonus Member?”


Watkins: “I am sitting in my office at home? Is that the office you want to remove me from?”

The Parliamentarian declared that any Division Leader that removed a voting member must do so on the record and provide explicit cause for their removal.

In the end, the establishment was humiliated, and only two of the 67 appointed voting members were removed from their roles. With the El Paso County leadership elections less than 36 hours away, Team America First had their first glimmer of hope. 

And that’s when their strategy changed. 

Showcase Showdown 

It wasn’t easy to convince Chairwoman Vickie Tonkins to abandon her meeting and attend the Peak Republicans’ County Central Committee meeting. The level of corruption and overt process manipulation that occurred to bring about the Peak Republicans’ event made this a severe matter of principle. 

Had Tonkins held a competing meeting on February 11, the determination of the future of the county’s Republican party would become a matter for the State Central Committee to decide upon in March. 

After much debate, deliberation, and prayer, Tonkins listened to her team and, with just 12 hours to go, the El Paso County Republican changed course and called upon all voting members to attend the Peak Republican event. 

This decision was not without risk. In fact, Team America First was agreeing to play on the establishment’s home field, with the establishment’s referees, and the establishment’s rules. Parliamentarian Greg Carlson presided over the meeting. 444 voting members credentialed into the event. 

It was an absolute massacre. 

Vicki Tonkins was reelected Chairwoman of the county party, Todd Watkins was elected Vice Chair, and Adriana Cuva was elected to Secretary. All voting members at the State Central Committee level were won by Team America First. Additionally, the good guys swept five Senate, House, and County Commissioner Districts and secured a nuke-proof majority among the bonus members, securing 23 of 28 offices.

Reached for comment, the always classy Chairwoman Tonkins shared with me:

“One of the things that many of our Central Committee Members have said to me is, ‘We will play the game that KBB started. and let’s win it all on their turf, by their rules, and with all their chosen people to run everything.’

I ran nothing on Saturday. I did find it interesting that they did exactly what I do with paper ballots and counting in front of the crowd. 

I do want to give kudos to Gregory Carlson in running the meeting. I also want to give equal kudos to the Parliamentarian, Kevin Tebedo, who helped keep Carlson on point. I want to also thank Sheryl Glasgow, the former Secretary, for all her hard work and how she was graceful in completing her duties on Saturday. 

I am so proud of the hard work of many of the Members of our County Central Committee. They have worked almost two years to build the Republican Party in El Paso County. I am a fortunate woman to have the privilege to lead such amazing people.  I look forward to working with two great Americans, Vice Chair Todd Watkins and Secretary Adriana Cuva. 

My husband Rex Tonkins has supported me through all the highs and lows. He supports me with His prayers, many needed hugs, and the tears I shed for the County I love. 

I mainly want to give glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His favor, grace, and mercy He showed all of us on Saturday. God was in complete control as people all over the United States were praying for God to vindicate me… He did!

Keep in mind that Chairwoman Tonkins has been persecuted and attacked by these people since she was first elected to her post and, as one of the only black female GOP Chairs in the country, she has been on the receiving end of some pretty vile tactics from the establishment.

Like I said, she’s always classy.

The establishment suffered a humiliating defeat on their own turf with their own rules and their own refs. 

Better yet, the decision to engage – and win – on the Peak Republicans’ turf makes it nearly impossible for Burton Brown and the establishment to revoke the El Paso County Republican Party charter and award it to Peak Republicans. 

They just don’t have the support. They don’t have the votes. 

Big Winner: America First 

As I said at the beginning of our story, I never believed the Precinct Strategy would be successful. Certainly, the establishment is fighting the will of the people every step of the way in Colorado, and nowhere is that more evident than in El Paso County.

But through the persistence of Team America First, I am happy to say that I was wrong. 

I was wrong.

Take note, I don’t have cause to say that very often.

Over the past two years, and certainly in the past few months, all odds appeared stacked against the people of El Paso County. The Swamp is deep here, and they spared no expense or tactic to disrupt and demoralize the efforts of the America First populists. 

With resolve and great faith, Team America First leaned in, put their shoulder to the wheel, and defeated the establishment on their own turf.

The Good Guys won. 

The People won. 

What happens in Colorado spreads across the nation. Usually that’s not a good thing, as the fraud test kitchen never stops baking. Usually, Colorado activist are screaming warnings to the nation.

But in this latest victory of the El Paso County America First Patriots, Colorado activists want to encourage the nation. We played on their turf, and we proved that America First is the majority. 

The gaslight to convince the people otherwise is strong and overwhelming, but the truth will out. Always.

In the words of President Donald J. Trump: 

“We will not bend. 

We will not break. 

We will not yield. 

We will never give in.

We will never give up.

We will never back down.

We will NEVER, ever surrender!”

The Colorado Right has delivered a priceless message to those engaged in the Precinct Strategy across the nation:

Don’t give up, play to win, and you will see victory.

Keep moving forward, Patriots.

The best is yet to come.


GCRP Inaugural Gala Video

Maureen Bannon #WarRoom



YouTube 1/16/2025: HERE

Folks have been asking for the video of the Greenville County Republican Party Upstate Inaugural Gala back on January 16th, 2025 … and it is finally here. 

It was a GREAT event and and we could not have been more excited and honored to be allowed to professionally video the event for our friends and family all across South Carolina … for YOU!!!

Watch HERE … or click on the video image above.  Enjoy …  

Start – Yvonne Julian, GCRP Chairman

4:15 – Ray Sheen, GCRP Parliamentarian – Invocation

5:25 – Linda Young, GCRP Communications Team – Introduce Bill

5:45 – Bill Frady, WORD 98.9 Noon-3PM Host & Lock-N-Load Podcast

18:03 – Jeff Davis, GCRP State Executive Committeeman

23:00 – Maureen Bannon, WARROOM CEO

59:12 – Jeff Davis – closing

RAV – WarRoom:  HERE

We don’t follow a lot of podcast or new world media … and certainly not the #FakeNews Media who have been lying to us for DECADES now … because really, WE are personally living it on the front lines on a daily basis.  

But … there is one exception and it is STEVE BANNON’s WARROOM (and now we are adding in BILL FRADY’s radio show).  We started noticing that a lot … and I mean A LOT … of “our people” kept talking about STEVE BANNON.  I knew him generally from the first TRUMP Administration … but like I have always said, WE “live” this mess on the bleeding edge … and we don’t have time to follow all this stuff online.

However, Bannon has a very good “resume” … outstanding to be frank .. and when I started watching, all I could think is “this guy is saying the same thing WE have been saying” … and he has a lot more direct contacts in DC and TRUMP World than we do … so we started watching and now we are addicted.

So friends … if you do not know STEVE BANNON & WARROOM … you need to.  We sorta do WARROOM here in South Carolina … but BANNON does it nationally, and like us, is all about grassroots, precinct strategy, and getting us all involved as a FORCE MULTIPLIER!!!  




I’d highly recommend watching on Roku or FireTV by downloading the RAV (Real Americas Voice) App.  They run a live TV … but you can catch up on WARROOM recordings anytime using the app.


Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Radical Transparency … DEMAND IT!!!

Especially of your Elected Officials!



Friends, the term “Radical Transparency” is being used a lot in Washington DC and with D.O.G.E. right now … and people are loving it.  That is fantastic as we have been preaching it for years.

To us … radical transparency is a LITMUS TEST issue.  If your elected official won’t meet … they are not to be trusted … and should be primaried … PERIOD!!!

Now, I am not saying they have to meet with every crazy and “unstable” guy off the street that wants to get together and hear themselves talk about the same thing … 5 days a week … but if you are an “honest broker” looking to ask questions … especially hard questions … of your elected “leader” and they are not willing / able to meet in a timely manner … the general rule (99% of the time) they are HIDING SOMETHING!!!

Elected Officials … in order to be an “elected official” that The People are willing to accept .. must practice RADICAL TRANSPARENCY … and more importantly we must DEMAND IT!!!

We do not need to keep falling for their tricks … DEMAND RADICAL TRANSPARENCY!!!

And don’t think it is just you … I personally have been in elected leadership of the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) for 4 years now … 2 years as Chairman and 2 years as the State Executive Committeeman.  At this stage, I really know what is going on (although we learn more every day) … I have really HARD questions to ask our elected officials … and I was elected to ask those questions.  

And, there are certain elected officials who won’t meet with me (like the SC Freedom Caucus, Drew McKissick, and a bunch of RINOs) who obviously have something to hide … and fortunately there are quite a few that will meet, answer the tough questions, and often change course when they hear our perspective. 

But for the ones that won’t meet … that is OK.  If I was doing bad things and trying to hide it, I would not want to meet with me either … just like the DOGE “targets” that don’t want to explain themselves to Elon Musk or Donald TRUMP.

[NOTE:  And know too … it is not just me.  I know many an elected official that say other elected officials won’t meet with them either.  It is everywhere … and they know which ones are BAD and doing corrupt things.  And guess what, like with the DOGE “targets”, the bad people here in South Carolina that won’t meet are simply SELF IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES … so to me it is a good thing!!!]

Everyone wants DOGE South Carolina … we do too … but guess what, you already have it.  You are DOGE, we are DOGE … and anyone who won’t meet, needs to be DOGE’d (aka Primaried) next June 9th, 2026.

It all starts with a simple question to your elected official … “will you meet” … and if they do meet,  don’t be DUPED.  lol  Do your homework and be prepared … call us for tips … and we will happily JOIN YOU … and as we always teach, remember to TRUST NOTHING & verify everything … even what we tell you!!! (, 12/09/2024:  HERE).  

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Massey Bucking for Governor … AGAIN?!?!?

Ambition > Common Sense?



Last Tuesday we shared with you our initial thoughts on S244 … the “supposed” Tort (over) Reform bill being pushed by SC Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey … yes, the Senator from Edgefield who endorsed Nikki Haley against President TRUMP in the 2024 primaries.

See, 2/25/2025: HERE

Well … a lot has happened in a short time since then … and it get’s more interesting … and more educational!!!  Heck, we made a simple “tweet” on sharing the article (HERE) and mentioning Senator Massey endorsing Nikki Haley … and we got a rather quick 36,000 views!!!  That is a fair amount … 

The day after our article and “tweet” … on February 26th … Senator Shane Massey, who is known to have rather thin skin, had a bit of an emotional TIRADE … literally showing up on the SC House Floor … and getting in the face of SC House Rep. Gil Gatch (R – Dorchester) … a fellow lawyer legislator.

Why?  Because Rep. Gatch made the following post accusing Senator Massey of being in the “pocket” of big insurance companies.  See exactly below … and note the reported EXPLETIVES by Massey.

And when the Post & Courier catches you cursing … it’s not good!!!

Nick Reynolds tweet – The Post & Courier:  HERE

Next, on the 27th, a poll was published showing that GOP Voters … who understand the impacts of S 244 on average citizens … overwhelmingly OPPOSE S244 … by 73% to 19% margin.  

It wasn’t a good week … for someone making BIG PROMISES to BIG MONEY DONORS / INSURANCE COMPANIES … and potentially looking to fill his coffers so as to test running for Governor … AGAIN?!?!?! 

You all may remember when Senator Massey was considering challenging Governor Henry McMaster in 2022 for governor … before he had a run in with famed defamation lawyer Lin Wood … and Senator Massey said he would not ask for a forensic audit of the 2020 election … and that he believed BIDEN WON in 2020?  It was an uncomfortable interaction … for MASSEY!

Watch June 24th, 2021 video HERE.

Yes … Senator Massey dropped out of the race for governor shortly thereafter as he had lost ALL “potential” support of anyone in the MAGA America FIRST movement … and certainly was not going to get TRUMP’s endorsement then (but maybe Nikki’s).  And no, WE have not forgotten.

NOT A GOOD THING:  As we were told recently about another “ladder climber” … when ambition is > talent (or common sense – have we mentioned Massey endorsed Nikki Haley against President TRUMP???) … it’s not a good thing.

But it does not appear Senator Massey is ready to call it quits on his ambition for “Governor” … and it appears his eyes are set on 2026 (per rumors we have heard) … but that takes MONEY … and lots of it … and who better than BIG INSURANCE to fill his coffers?!?!? 

We know Senator Massey very well from our fight for “real” School Choice … and we know he sold out the K-12 kids for the monied special interest and companies like CLASS WALLET (see video HERE) … who received a $4.2 MILLION contract (more than the kids) with Massey’s now failed / unconstitutional ESA legislation (HEREHERE & HERE).  

So we know firsthand that Shane Massey does not do anything for our SC Citizens … and especially the kids.  And after all the failures last week … even after MASSEY pulled $250,000 from the SC Senate Republican Caucus to fund an ad campaign for S 244 … something we hear that fellow Senate Republicans are not happy about … Senator MASSEY and the INSURANCE COMPANIES appear to have dialed it up even more … with $$$$ & favors.

(#1) First of all SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick sent out a desperate MASS email from the SCGOP supporting S244.  I am personally on the SCGOP State Executive Committee … for nearly 4 years now … and I don’t recall us voting on anything related to “Tort Reform”.  Who authorized (or paid) DREW MCKISSICK to do that???

(#2) Next, Senate Majority Leader Massey got S244 set for SPECIAL ORDER this week … so S244 skips to the front of the line … in front of all the other bills being debated.  The Senator appears to want to get this over the finish line in the SC Senate before people catch on.  A typical special interest trick!!!

(#3) And finally … apparently Massey has pulled the GOVERNOR “favor”.  Maybe since Massey did not run against Governor McMaster in 2022, a favor is owed … but it appears McMaster is going to step in an see if he can save S244 on Wednesday at 11AM.  We can’t wait to see this!!! 

TRUST NOTHING!!!  Seriously … do we trust anything Massey … Drew McKissick … Governor McMaster … or the SC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE … does???  And “where” is all this MONEY coming from to push this so called massive omnibus “Tort Reform” bill???  

SC Venue Crisis – DUPED, Again???:  HERE

Seriously … the really sad part is we ALL want to help the small business venues … and like in 2024 when they were led astray (I received tons of calls wanting us to help them … and YES, the SC Venue Crisis folks were being duped by all the wrong people back then) … it seems like they are being DUPED … and USED … again.

S 244 as we have already discussed is a massive and overly expansive piece of legislation.  It uses an untested nuclear bomb to kill a fly.  Ask yourself “why”, if legislators actually cared about our small venues, would you not just use a targeted bill to fix that one issue???  Why does it appear that the lawyer legislators … and insurance brokers … want such an expansive bill … and not just fix the one problem???

Hey, it will be interesting … and with the Governor weighting in … it is even more questionable than ever.

WHEN:  Wednesday, March 5th – 11:30am

WHERE:  SC Statehouse, 1100 Gervais Street, Columbia, SC  

WHAT:  Watch the Governor and Senator Massey … along with the SC Chamber of Commerce and other “grifters” … live and in person try to “sell” the Citizens of South Carolina on “Tort Reform”.

Are we buying it???

We will be chatting with our small venue friends … and we will ask them how those “promises” work out last time?  Fool me once, … 

Maybe find a targeted bill … not a massive bill where you are the target.  Learn from the School Choice experience.  10 years worth of lies from these same guys … and all they do is keep lying!!!  



Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Send MAGA Friends – Greenville ReOrg Saturday 10am

ReOrg, ReOrg, ReOrg!!!



Friends … it is finally here!!!  #ReOrg2025 starts tomorrow, March 1st and the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) is first up at 10am Saturday.


If you have any MAGA friends & family in GREENVILLE COUNTY … send them to ReOrg tomorrow morning.  It will be huge with 151 Precincts & 2,332 County Delegates up for election.

Greenville is the hub of TRUMP supporting MAGA America First Patriots in South Carolina.  It is a HUGE group … and only growing exponentially.

Find your PRECINCT location HERE … and arrive early at 9:30am to network with fellow MAGA America First neighbors.  Greenville will be the biggest ReOrg in South Carolina … and will have the largest CONVENITION in South Carolina on Monday evening, April 14th … even bigger than the SCGOP State Convention!!!  Guest will be welcome.  #JoinUS!!!


Like the TRUMP administration … the GCRP practices “radical transparency” … and as such, if you would like to attend one of our ReOrg meetings as a guest to witness how the process works … OR COME HELP VOLUNTEER … call the GCRP at 864-243-8528 and we can assign you to your choice of location.  You can also text / call Olga Lisinska at 843-901-8035 (cell).


These are exciting times and the best time to GET INVOLVED in your local political party.  ReOrg 2025 should be bigger than ever … so get out there and GET INVOLVED.  

Again, if you have any friends & family in Greenville … send them our way.  It’s going to be a great time!!!

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Precinct and County Convention Guides

ReOrg, ReOrg, ReOrg!!!



Friends … we talk about this all the time … the RINOs want to “keep it small to control it all”.  

Well, we are the exact opposite … we want ReOrg to be as BIG as possible so NO ONE can control it … not us, and certainly not the RINOs!!!

The Republican Party … really all Parties … belong to The People … and if we ever want to dig America (and South Carolina) out of this mess, we need to spread information about ReOrg far & wide.  

It is why we formed mySCGOP as an educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  Our mission is to teach YOU about ReOrg … and if you like what you are seeing … why not hit us up with a donation … and we will send you a t-shirt … lol.


NOW … back to business.  Below find the 2025 SCGOP Precinct ReOrg Guide … the 2025 GCRP Precinct ReOrg Manual … as well as the 2025 SCGOP County Convention Guide.

Take a look at this information and if you have any questions … or see anything that needs correcting let us know at

We are all in this together … so keep learning … and keep spreading the good word.  #ReOrg2025!!!

SCGOP Precinct Guide – PDF (HERE)

SCGOP County Convention Guide – PDF (HERE)

GCRP 2025 ReOrg Manual – PDF (HERE)

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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S244 – Faux Tort Reform?




We are all about education … we think #ReOrg2025 is going to be an eye-opening event for many new (over the past 4 yearsMAGA America First conservatives … and we are seeing (similar to our fight over “real” school choice) a NEW legislative battle brewing over what is being called by some as TORT REFORM.

Conservative typically fall for the “dog whistle” red meat issues of school choice, pro-life, judicial reform … and things like TORT REFORM. But, The People are waking up … and folks are saying “not so fast on S244”. (See Bill HERE.)

Remember … as we teach … all of this is not a battle between R vs D … this is a battle between the “establishment elite” in both those parties vs. THE PEOPLE … and it seems like THE PEOPLE get the shaft every time (at least before President TRUMP entered the equation).

Our initial interest was peaked when DONALD TRUMP, JR. made a “tweet” about this new SC legislation saying …

– Donald Trump, Jr., 2/11/2025

And our radar really went off yesterday when it was revealed in the Post & Courier that SC Senate “Republicans” were launching a SIX FIGURE ad campaign in support of S 244.  Hmmmmm … now we are really interested!

And “who” is leading this effort for TORT REFOM?  None other than the Nikki Haley endorsing lawyer legislator (do we like them?SC Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey (R – Edgefield).  

And “what” is Senator Massey’s top client?  Reportedly, the insurance carrier Allstate.

And “where” is the SIX FIGURE … reportedly $250,000 … ad campaign money from the SC Senate Republican Caucus coming from?  We have seen the actions of the SC Senate “Republicans” … the other “policy” they have pushed (like 100% gov’t run Christian school choice) … and has it ever been good for the citizens of South Carolina??? 

We suspect there will be big money on both sides of this issue … we even got a mailer opposing S244 in the mail today (see below) … so what better example to follow over the coming months.  #LearnTheirTRICKS!!!

As I told a friend yesterday … you can almost tell what legislation is going to be “BAD” just based on who is sponsoring / pushing it … and watching the money behind it.  It is an art & a science … and this alleged TORT REFORM will be interesting to follow.

Fixing Liquor Liability?:  The other concern coming out is that yes, we all want to fix the liquor liability issue that has sent insurance premiums through the roof causing the closing of mom & pop establishments all over South Carolina.  We all want to fix that … so why don’t “they” just fix that one issue???  Why create some massive “dog whistle” TORT REFORM package, when the real problem is very narrowly defined???

It appears to many that the mom & pop liquor liability issue is only the “Public Relations” piece of the pie … when the reality is the real goal of certain lawyer legislators is to protect their clients – the massive insurance companies who are reportedly already making over $700 MILLION off South Carolinians today.

Remember, we want you all to LEARN how all this works … so stay tuned.

More to come on this one … 

We attended a presentation by 1st Circuit Solicitor David Pascoe (HERE & HERE) last Thursday (video coming) updating us at the Pickens County Republican Party on one of our top topics … JUDICIAL REFORM.  There has been some legislation passed … but as Pascoe put it, there is a lot more we need to do.

Solicitor Pascoe make one other interesting comment as to the judicial reform we have passed so far that was very revealing … “they had to change things so that things stayed the same.”  Do you get it???  

Basically our legislators switched up a few things in the law … CLAIMED VICTORY … but in reality VERY LITTLE has changed.  Lawyer legislators still control the JUDICIAL MERIT SELECTION COMMITTEE (JMSC).  That was the problem in the first place … that is easy to fix (like the liquor liability issue) … and that still remains the case today … our lawyer legislators still pick our judges.

This sort of “smoke & mirrors” may be exactly what is going on with this alleged TORT REFORM.  Our establishment “Republicans” put on a good show … but at the end of the day our mom & pop establishments will keep closing … and their BIG MONEY insurance companies get richer at the expense of South Carolinians … at the expense of The People.

People are figuring out these games … witness Judicial Reform, School Choice (a disaster), Pro-Life … and the next lesson may very well be faux TORT REFORM.

Again, more to come on this one … 

2/24/2025 Mailer:  HERE (pdf)

Post & Courier 2/16/2025: (HERE)

Post & Courier 2/24/2025: (HERE)

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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