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Do you Trust Anonymous Information?

Stephen Brown, Chad Connelly & Drew McKissick lies



ON A PERSONAL NOTE … from Jeff Davis (updated 4/14/2023 at 8:57am)

Happy Easter!  

Today is the Saturday before Easter, known as Holy Saturday and the conclusion of Holy Week.

Holy Week, in the Christian church, is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ.

This season, and the past week especially, is supposed to be a week of truth and forgiveness, and opportunity to turn back to God.  

We have seen anything but faithful acts this past week … from anonymous sources, spread by people claiming to be good Christians or good “Republicans”.

As we get closer to party “elections”, the crazy has ramped up and we expect it to ramp up even worse until we are past the SCGOP State Convention. [Note, why at this late date do we still not know the date of our SCGOP State Convention? Is it a political tactic to give the establishment another advantage?]

What I find most interesting is watching what most of us would consider to be good people spread “anonymous” lies and false information … and do as if it was fact.

Some of this stuff is so voluminous you do not even know where to start.  

A couple key facts:

1. THE STEPHEN BROWN LIES:  No, I am not #1 funded by George Soros and #2 I am a Christian!  A particularly distasteful insinuation Mr. Brown is making all across SC is that I am not Christian … we presume because we don’t support him running for SCGOP Chairman as he may be worse than Drew.  These are two of the biggest lies out there being spread by attorney Stephen Brown … a ladder climbing, backstabbing, gutless (can’t pull the trigger), #NeverTrump, lawyer out of Greenville who has run for about every office possible (including SCGOP Chairman years ago, plus US Senate & US Congress) … who ENDORSED NATE LEUPP (against Patriot Pressley Stutts in 2019 because Pressley did not support him for US Congress in 2018 – talk about petty) … and now at the end of his political career he has as his final ambition to be the “PAID” SCGOP Chairman.  Stephen Brown is our former GCRP State Executive Committeeman (for about 6 months after Pressley died) who came in late and BEGGED for our support to get that position. He was vetted, then I was brought in for final approval, he promised he was on board with our agenda … and then “flipped” immediately and tried to led a coup.  Stephen then quit in March 2022 (you will love the video .. stay tuned) when he lost a ridiculous MOTION before the GCRP Executive Committee to essentially take over the Greenville County Republican Party. He was working with the RINO “establishment” / Randy Page.

We think Stephen Brown is completely in the Drew McKissick camp (remember … “watch what they DO, not what they SAY”) as the only way he can become SCGOP Chairman is to get votes from RINOs and mislead Patriots to think he is one of US.

Stephen Brown is also a key factor as to “why” the SCGOP illegally took over the Greenville County Republican Party ReOrg.  By travelling the State of South Carolina meeting with folks all over (including SCGOP State ECs that voted to takeover the GCRP 2023 ReOrg) and “inferring” that Jeff Davis is funded by Soros and not a Christian … is it any surprise what happened? Heck, I’d vote to take over a county GOP if I thought they were infiltrated by George Soros pagans too … but it is all Stephen Brown lies … so BE AWARE!!!

The rest of these address Chad Connelly / Drew McKissick lies:

2. I have never been disbarred from the practice of law, much less been disciplined professionally (either publicly or privately).  I never took the SC Bar Exam even though I graduated from USC Law School. I am only licensed in Georgia as I took that bar exam (early , in July 1993) before graduating USC Law in December 1993 with my Law / MBA degree (early as well as I was supposed to graduate in May 1994).  My State Bar of Georgia Number is 212555. Click image below.

3.  I have not lost my CPA license.  Again, only licensed in Georgia where I worked in Atlanta for 18 years after law school. No public or private professional discipline there either.  Click image below, search Middle Name “Jefferson”, Last Name “Davis”. My Georgia CPA License number is 18241.

4.  I have never been convicted of a crime, never been indicted, never interviewed by the police for any crime … not aware of anyone having ever even accused me of a crime to the police or law enforcement. Oh, and no DUIs, no public intoxication or anything remotely like that. Nothing ever “expunged” either … absolutely as straight laced boring as you can get!

A police officer did give me a ride one-time when I had car trouble and I got to sit in the back seat. It was kind of fun.

5.  I never lost my Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) financial licenses … or any of my insurance licenses (I had a life insurance license and “maybe” a property & casualty insurance license as I recall, but need to check) … although I did give them up long ago when I got out of that business.

6. Yes, my wife Olga Lisinska and I ARE MARRIED, and have been married since July 23rd, 2010 … so please do feel free to remind me when the anniversary date comes up. We started dating in April 2007 while in Atlanta when we were introduced by an Australian friend of mine (Duke University PhD Graduate) that at the time worked for me doing business development. My friend had meet and married a Polish girl … and thought we would hit it off after they met Olga a friends bonfire event.

Similar to the Stephen Brown “I’m not sure if he is a Christian or not” innuendo, the rumor that Olga and I were unmarried and living together (in sin being the inference of course) was started to alienate Christian Conservatives here in Greenville against us.

7. NO, my wife Olga Lisinska is not an illegal immigrant, and has never been an “illegal” or received any welfare benefits.  Olga is originally from communist Poland where she stood in ration lines as a child for coffee, sugar and meat.  She came to America on a J-1 Visa as an Au Pair, which was extended and later converted to a student visa. Although she is not a US Citizen, Olga does hold a valid US Green Card like 13.6 MILLION (as of 2019) of our neighbors, friends and fellow taxpayers.  Olga is eligible to apply for citizenship, and was in the process, but after being “targeted” by the SC Department of Revenue in 2014 and the attendant sexual harassment she suffered we put it on hold. You might have as well if in her shoes.

8.  I was involved with two other partners in a 2008 $5 MILLION (out of $12 million) privately held leveraged bank investment deal (probably one of the smallest deals I did back in those days, so don’t get excited about the “big” number … it’s not abnormal.)  It was the largest privately held bank headquartered in Atlanta at the time, and the CEO was a well-known client of mine. The other $7 MILLION of bank stock was purchased by a large private family office of 2 of the bank board members whose family was well worth over half a billion at the time. It was a good deal, it was a private friends & family deal, bank insiders were purchasers, and the investment was expected to have tripled in a few years. However, Obama was elected, my client was a conservative, and the FDIC was know for picking & choosing “winners” during the financial crisis. The deal went bad when the bank was closed by the FDIC in 2009 (like 465 other banks nationwide) during the Great Recession and banking crisis. I lost a CIVIL lawsuit over it all … but that is it. One of the partners (a couple who were close family friends at the time-both internationally recognized doctors) lost $950,000 in cash … but public records show they were worth about $20 MILLION at the time. Nobody is out on the streets, and I am not Bernie Madoff.

9.  No, I did not forge bank loan documents in the above 2008 investment deal … although as part of their legal defense the couple above … after EACH ADMITTED TO SIGNING THE LOAN GUARANTEE DOCUMENTS IN FEDERAL COURT FILINGS … later claimed to have not signed loan guarantees.  Perhaps just good legal advice (or unethical coaching) from their self-interested lawyer?

10.  As part of the above 2008 $5 MILLION investment deal, I did SUE the attorneys for the FDIC related to the bank loan (the attorney were particularly dirty) … and I was very pleased with the settlement of that case.  (Even though it has been 10+ years, the confidentiality settlement documents prevents me from discussing the specific financial details of that settlement.)

11.  I did give up my ability to use the “CFP” mark after self-reporting the above bank deal litigation when I renewed. I could have just let it expire and no one would be the wiser … but I self-reported thinking there was nothing here wrong with the bank transaction. I did not “defend” giving it up, so yes, technically it was “revoked”. To me it was similar to a membership being revoked for failure to continue paying a membership. There was a report that I was essentially forced to agree to which was provably false. Legal counsel advised me not to dispute any of it as it was so so provably false. I guess I need to do a special report / comparison on that too?

But, the CFP is not a “license” … it is not a professional government license at all, it is just a private brand marketing tool mainly used by insurance agents … and to be a CFP all you had to have was a HIGH SCHOOL DEGREE (through 2007) and pass a test, so we are not talking about a “profession” as a CFP is not required for any profession.  I took the test / signed up in 1997 because my international CPA firm paid for it, and it was an easy test to pass. So yes, my ability to USE the branded marking was technically “revoked” … but it was revoked because I did not defend it and I did not keep paying what is now a $455 annual fee, and I did not think it was anything important professionally at the time … nor do I associate a lot of importance to it now.  The CFP (certified financial planner) is mainly a PRIVATE “marketing” designation used by non-professionals / non-CPAs & Lawyers.  

12.  The SC Department of Revenue battle … a politically “fabricated” Audit Report … and our school choice fight for K-12 kids with special needs (I am Chairman of the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Palmetto Kids FIRST Scholarship Program) is a much longer discussion which we would love to follow-up with. To sum it up however, numerous SC Department of Revenue employees have been disciplined and/or terminated over it … and the then Director of the Department of Revenue, Camden attorney Rick Reames (a political hack of Nikki Haley), “resigned unexpectedly”, I think in large part because of the entire matter.   [P.S.  No, my wife Olga did not make $33,000 per month … I don’t think she ever made more than $50k / YEAR working 24/7 … and I personally never made a dime.]

13. No, the School Choice Non-Profits Do Not Get to Keep 10%: This is a bizarre accusation as it has never been more than 5% here in South Carolina that the non-profits can allocated to administrative expenses. By law, at least 95% of all fundraising must go to scholarships … and at 5% that is one of the lowest rates in the nation … and it is in fact less expensive than the administrative costs the government incurs to administer similar programs. Additionally when we and Palmetto Kids FIRST were involved, legislators reduced the fee to 3%, capped at $200,000. So in 2015 when PKF raised $6 million for children’s scholarship … only $180,000 was incurred for administrative and other expenses (which included donations back to our schools – we donated challenge grants to pay for two school buses – and scholarships to kids that did not technically qualify under the law but we wanted to help). Try to find us a government program that is that efficient. This accusation of keeping 10% is going to be a key issue in the future as it shows the real intent here to advocate for the monied special interest ESAs so they can profit (see HERE).

14. Have you heard that I have 255 or more lawsuits … against thousands of upstanding Republicans? Well, I have had about 7 or 8 lawsuits, against about 25 or so people … most of which I was Ordered by a Court to name as potential defendants. I will check the details and link a blog post here as well, but do know that all of those lawsuits are defamation related, and one in particular exposed substantial malfeasance in the Exceptional SC scholarship program. But ask yourself, what would you do if people were falsely saying you were a convicted felon, or had forged documents, or had been disbarred … at some point you have to stand up. I would have thought a lawsuit (or 7) would have stopped the lies, but they only seem to resurface with other unsuspecting individuals being used by the establishment. It’s like a big game of Whac-A-Mole.

1,000% OPEN & TRANSPARENT:   It is not always fun or comfortable … and it is stressful and trying at times … but in our fight for K-12 children with special needs, Olga and I have had to be completely open about everything in our lives.  Would YOU do the same for these special kids?  Most won’t to the extent we have had to do, but we hope you will do what you can.

Call, text, email anytime … join us for any of our open forum Q&As … get on a zoom call … whatever it takes … but seek truth and please call out those that spread lies and misinformation.  Those people are hurting children.

My general offer to naysayers is WE will meet with anyone, anytime and anyplace, we can meet publicly or privately, on or off the record … and I will sign any legal release the person wants (since they now claim I will sue people if they simply talk with me … which is completely laughable).  

Will Chad Connelly or Drew McKissick do the same???  How about attorney Stephen Brown???   Will they be 1,000% transparent and discuss these things publicly so all of you know the truth???

Any questions, just ask as we all know what it means to “assume”.  😉  

My contact information is below … and I am here 24/7 for for this fight and for the children.

Jeff Davis, JD, MBA, CPA(GA)

Chairman, Palmetto Kids FIRST Scholarship Program
Chairman, Greenville County Republican Party
Executive Committeeman, Timberlake Precinct
843-901-8036 (cell)


Happy Sunday – March 31st, 2024

Matthew 28:6



He was mocked, beaten, abused … he was hung on the cross. He conquered the power of sin. He defeated death! He did it for YOU and ME. He did it for the sins of this world. HE IS RISEN!

May the meaning of Easter, the risen Lord, fill your heart with love, compassion and hope.

Happy Easter! 🌿

“He is not here; He has risen, just as He said.”
Matthew 28:6

To repeat from last Sunday (HERE), today is Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week … the most sacred week! Let’s use this time to reflect on the unfathomable obedience, love and compassion that we are gifted daily, by our Savior.

Happy Sunday!

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RULE 6 – Congressional District Organizations

Read and Learn



SCGOP Rules (v2022-07-30):  HERE

Yesterday we shared with you the CALL TO CONVENTION for the 7 SCGOP Congressional District Conventions coming up in April (HERE).   All America FIRST SCGOP State Delegates should REGISTER … and attend!!!  Consider it mandatory to #SaveSouthCarolina!!!  😉 

Well, guess what … there are 3 1/2 pages of “Rules” about these 7  SCGOP Congressional District Organizations … including details on the conventions.

We won’t repeat the entire Rule 6 here … it is 3 1/2 pages … but click below … read Rule 6 … and let us know if you have any questions or see anything interesting.  It is critical to know the RULES!!!

READ RULE 6:  “Congressional District Organization” – HERE

March 28th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Jan 19th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

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FITS 2024

Upcoming Congressional and State Convention

EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend



A few months ago we introduced you all to the every FOUR YEAR SCGOP Congressional & State Conventions held prior to the RNC NATIONAL CONVENTION where we will select the GOP Presidential Candidate (HERE).

With South Carolina leading the way … we know that the GOP nominee will be President TRUMP … but very few people seem to know about these upcoming Congressional Conventions or the State Convention.

South Carolina has 50 National Delegates & 50 National Alternates to send to the RNC National Convention this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Monday, July 15th, 2024 – Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

Well … now we know the dates and times for selecting those 50 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 50 NATIONAL ALTERNATES … and EVERYONE who is a MAGA / America FIRST state delegate or state alternate should attend!!! Your attendance is “mandatory” if for no other reason than to “learn” about the process … but to also support your America FIRST candidates for the available positions. #VoteAmericaFIRST!!!

Do you really want Nikki Haley supporters going to the RNC National Convention? Hmmm … think about it.

If you were a STATE DELEGATE or a STATE ALTERNATE … here is the Eventbrite link to register for your respective CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION.

All SCGOP Congressional Conventions: HERE

1st District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

2nd District – Tuesday, April 23rd at 7PM: HERE

3rd District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

4th District – Saturday, April 20th at 9AM: HERE

5th – District – Saturday, April 13th at 10AM: HERE

6th District – Saturday, April 20th at NOON: HERE

7th District – Saturday, April 6th at 10AM: HERE

(*Verify all dates and times on SCGOP Eventbrite)

Yes you should go!!! Reunite with fellow America FIRST friends, learn the process, and support your respective America FIRST candidates.

Elections will consist of a Congressional District Chair, Vice Chair & Secretary … as well as 3 National Delegates + 3 National Alternates.

Be warned however, if you want to be a NATIONAL DELEGATE or ALTERNATE, you will have to cover your own travel and lodging cost which are estimated to be around $3,500 … so don’t run for a spot if you can’t go for the full week or would rather spend your dollars at the beach this summer.

We don’t know the location or time yet … but we do know the STATE CONVENTION will be on Saturday, May 4th, 2024 … presumably somewhere central in the midlands / Columbia / Lexington area.  It will be BIG and like the state convention last May 2023 with 943 STATE DELEGATES & 943 STATE ALTERNATES eligible to attend.

At the convention we will elect the remaining 29 NATIONAL DELEGATES & 29 NATIONAL ALTERNATES.

The 2nd reason to show up for the STATE CONVENTION … we have heard that Drew McKissick and the RINO Establishment want to push through more “Rule Changes”.  They did this to slow down the America FIRST movement with their “Special Called Convention” on July 30th, 2022 … let’s see what tricks they may have in store for us this May 4th, 2024.

The RINOs don’t have the numbers now like they did in 2022 … but we have to SHOW UP!!!


Jan 24th, 2024 mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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FITS 2024

Truth Social … now Publicly Traded!

TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION



Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

Monday March 25th, 2024, will go down in history as a really, really, really GOOD DAY for President TRUMP!!!

First, a New York Appeals Court lowered the insane $454 million court bond payment to appeal the New York AG’s case to an equally insane, but manageable, $175 million bond.  That reduction as well as an extension of 10 days appears to be enough grace for President TRUMP to fulfill the obligation and preserve his properties in the State of New York.

DC_Draino (HERE) had the best meme of the day … 

DC_Draino Video:  HERE

Truth Social goes PUBLIC!!!

  • $4 BILLION!!!

But the YUGE news for President TRUMP from March 25th, 2024, is finally … TRUTH Social will be a publicly traded company … and the stock symbol … get ready for it … DJT!!! You can’t make this up either!!!

The government approval / administrative process which should have taken 3 or 4 months … took TRUTH Social nearly 2 years. No, you really can’t make this up either, and yes this is happening in America, in our Republic.

But as with most bad deed … the finalization of the technical merger to allow TRUTH Social to become a publicly traded company could not have come at a better time as he seemingly solidifies his position for the 2024 November election.

Now with public valuation data, TRUMP’s personal net worth skyrocketed by $4 BILLION sending him onto the Bloomberg 500 wealthiest list for the first time ever … and that is before the 43% stock price increase so far today on the first day of trading.

Good things happen to good people … so keep fighting folks!

Yahoo News Article:  HERE

Yahoo Finance “DJT”:  HERE

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Happy Sunday – March 24th, 2024

Philippians 2:8



Today is Palm Sunday (HERE), the start of Holy Week … the most sacred week! Let’s use this time to reflect on the unfathomable obedience, love and compassion that we are gifted daily, by our Savior. The triumph over sin, sacrifice, forgiveness, hope, faith, are few more things to reflect on during this special time …

Let us know what do you do to celebrate the Holy Week!

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:8

To repeat from last Sunday (HERE), God’s plans for his children unfold in the simplest ways of our daily lives. How often do you question God’s purpose … his plan … and simply ask, why God? 

Happy Sunday!

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FITS 2024

Candidate Filings

SEI & Campaign Finance Disclosures



SC Ethics Commission – SEI: HERE

This week we have learned how to “track” candidates (HERE) and how much it costs to file to run for office (HERE)! Today, let’s review the Candidate Filings.

Statement of Economic Interests (SEI)

The general idea of the Statement of Economic Interests is as stated, to disclose the candidate’s or elected official’s “economic” or financial interest. Read more about it HERE and in the mySCGOP article below … and have fun looking up the SEI of your favorite politicians!

Campaign Finance Disclosures
Campaign Finance Disclosures (initial, quarterly, pre-election & final) are for reporting the donations and expenditures of candidate’s campaign account. Remember – if you intend to spend any money on your campaign, you will need to open a separate campaign bank account – you cannot use your personal one!

As with any filing, there are deadlines on the Campaign Finance Disclosures that is YOUR responsibility to follow. For State and Local 

candidate campaign filings you would go to  to file while for Federal positions (US House & Senate), you would got to
For more details click HERE or the mySCGOP article below.

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

mySCGOP Article:  HERE

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by hitting REPLY or emailing us at

Have an opinion? Different or in agreement? About the above or something else? If so, speak up as we want to hear from you! Send your letters to and we will be happy to share it with our readers. #SaveSouthCarolina!


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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