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Bob Jones University Purge … & Ellen Weaver?

If we had predicted six months ago that the BJU Chairman of the Board, President & Chief of Staff would all be gone today … you would have said we were crazy.



If we had predicted six months ago that the Bob Jones University (BJU) Chairman of the Board (John Lewis)President (Steve Pettit) & Chief of Staff (Randy Page) would all be gone today … you would have said we were crazy.

Well guess what … they are all gone today … but is the reckoning over?

Story Background:

We all recall the great debate about Ellen Weaver’s “master’s degree”. It all started with an obscure requirement passed into law and approved by voters in 2018 that requires the SC Superintendent of Education to possess a master’s degree.

“Per the South Carolina State House, a superintendent of education must hold a master’s degree and have experience in public education. In turn, Weaver enrolled in Bob Jones University (BJU) and is said to have completed 33 hours of coursework in six months’ time.” – WIS News (10/17/2022) [Continue Reading]

Filing for the statewide SC Superintendent of Education office was in March 2022. Weaver was the hands down leading candidate with the most (special interest) money backing her … as well as virtually the entire Republican “establishment” and SCGOP leadership, namely SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick, which raised questions as to his personal and the SCGOP’s impartiality in the race.

However in April of 2022, it was discovered that several candidates did not have the necessary educational requirements … Ellen Weaver being chief among them. It was then disclosed that Chairman McKissick had certified Weaver as a candidate even though she was not qualified to hold the office at the time.

After discover Weaver did not qualify, Weaver first enrolled in an online master’s degree program at Western Governor’s University. That apparently was not going to work out in time … or the WGU administration was not willing to risk their school’s accreditation for Weaver’s timeline … so she quickly enrolled in a master’s degree program at her alma mater, the very politically active Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.

The only problem … the degree was (and still is) advertised as a 2-year program. Weaver did not have two years, so “special” treatment was needed, and somehow she obtained the 33 credit hour degree in less than six months.

All along the way there were calls of outrage, but Weaver and the establishment party leaders were not budging. They needed Weaver to win and nothing, including risking the accreditation of BJU, the potential for Weaver being disqualified and a Democrat being installed to that office, nor the risk of BJU leadership losing their jobs was going to stop them.

Ultimately on November 8th, 2022, Weaver defeated her Democrat opponent Lisa Ellis, 55% to 43% in the statewide election.

Post Election Timeline:

However, the election win is not the end of the story.

In December 2022 it was reported that the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) had asked BJU to submit a monitoring report after they received complaints about new state superintendent Ellen Weaver’s six-month master’s degree. (The Greenville News – December 12, 2022)

Both letters, sent [to] the State and Federal Attorney General’s Office, cite a conspiracy to commit fraud [by] Ellen Weaver, Bob Jones University and the State’s Republican Party.” – WIS News (01/14/2023) [CONTINUE READING]

On January 11th, 2023, the SC Democratic Party Chairman Trav Roberston, Jr. sent letters to US Attorney General Merrick Garland and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson asking them to investigate the circumstances surrounding the candidate certification of Ellen Weaver. The letters accused Ellen Weaver, the SCGOP, Bob Jones University & the SACSCOC of conspiracy to commit fraud and circumvent SC Election Law. It is a pretty powerful statement. (HERE.)

… these organizations conspired to commit fraud and circumvent South Carolina law.” 1/11/2023 Letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland

On January 19th, BJU President Steve Pettit signed a 3-year extension on his contract. It appeared to most that there were going to be no ramifications for the Ellen Weaver “master’s degree” debacle. (The Post & Courier Greenville – January 19, 2023)

Despite the 3-year contract extension, on March 30th Pettit submitted a letter to the BJU Board of Trustees citing grievances with the leadership of then-board Chairman John Lewis. In the letter, Pettit said he would resign if Lewis remained chair. (The Post & Courier Greenville – April 21, 2023)

On April 6th, Lewis resigned, leaving an open question of whether that move changed Pettit’s status. The resignation (strangely enough) did not change the embattled President’s status, raising questions as to whether the professed grievances were the real reason for both resignations. Pettit left the school effective May 5th.

Later in April, BJU Chief of Staff and SCGOP “Republican” political operative Randy Page left the University for a position as the state director of the pro-Ron DeSantis Never Back Down PAC. (The Post & Courier – April 25, 2023)

Ask yourself, who leaves a job as a university Chief of Staff for a temporary and often revolving door PAC position. … even as a state director? The SC Republican Presidential Preference Primary will be held on February 24, 2024 … so what will Randy do after this job is over? This move raised further questions as to the real reason for Page’s resignation given he is widely believed to be the mastermind behind the Weaver BJU “master’s degree” arrangement.

“Page … told the Greenville News that one could apply for a fast-track course in consultation with the faculty program coordinator.”

“Page … University President Steve Pettit and professors in leadership positions donated to Weaver’s campaign.”

The Greenville News (12/12/2022) [CONTINUE READING]

Connecting the Dots:

Although the mainstream media is not reporting it yet … the rumor mill in Greenville is that the BJU departures are more related to the Ellen Weaver’s BJU “master’s degree” issue than any personnel differences or temporary political opportunities.

Time will tell … but if you were BJU leadership would you want to announce publicly that these leadership departures were part of a potential crime or an agreed to punishment for the political favoritism shown Weaver? We wouldn’t.

Stay tuned for more developments …


Massey’s S244 (faux) Tort Reform … DEAD?

H3497 for the WIN!!!



We were right again … the battle over (faux) Tort Reform has come to a head and SC Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey (R – Edgefield) has come up short … again.

We asked some pretty tough questions two weeks ago (HERE) about S 244 as it appeared to us to be another “in the bag” monied special interest bill being pushed by Senator Massey.  We saw Massey do this in favor of the BIG GOV’T (fake) school choice legislation for years … and it appeared to us that the Senator was back at the feeding trough to fund his 2026 “Governor” ambitions using BIG MONEY Insurance Companies … and sacrificing The People of South Carolina … once again (HERE).

As the old saying goes … Pigs get FAT, hoggs get SLAUGHTERED!!!

And getting slaughtered with a ONE / TWO PUNCH is exactly what happened to Senator Shane Massey last week … and he “cried” about it right there on the floor of the SC Senate (see video below).

First of all … kudos to the SC House of Representatives.  We all know the Senate is supposed to be the more “deliberative” (i.e., sensible) body … but it took the SC House to come up with a bill (H3497 – HERE) that fixes … wait for it … THE LIQUOR LIABILITY PROBLEM!!!  

Everyone has been watching the fiasco going on with Senator Shane Massey in the SC Senate over S244.  It had not gone unnoticed by leadership in the SC House … and it was a stroke of brilliance … and it did not even take a rocket scientist … the House simply said “hold my beer … we have a bill to fix that!!!”

Introducing H3497 … the LIQUOR LIABILITY BILL!!!

The bill had been prefilled back on December 5th, 2024 by Judiciary Chairman Weston Newton (R – Beaufort) … appears to have had 3 sub-committee hearings in February … and was REPORTED OUT favorably to the SC House floor on Wednesday the 5th of March … and immediately PASSED by a 109 – 0 margin on Thursday the 6th … with the last step of sending it over to the SC Senate on Friday.  

It truly was a stroke of genius … and appears to have put Senator Massey in a real predicament with his monied special interest BIG INSURANCE backers.

And then came the 2nd KNOCKOUT PUNCH!!!

SC State Senator Stephen Goldfinch (R – Georgetown) … Citadel 2004 by the way … put up an amendment on Thursday afternoon that would essentially gut S244 … and do what everyone wants … fix the liquor liability problem for our small businesses.

Goldfinch spoke first on the Amendment … Massey spoke against it … and then, Massey went out on a limb and made a procedural motion to “TABLE” (aka kill) the Amendment.

Well, guess what … MASSEY LOST by a vote 25 to 19!!!  It was brutal … and Massey completely flipped out … went up to the microphone in the well of the Senate … showed himself out … and MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SENATE COMPLETELY.

It was EPIC … one for the ages … and has likely ended Massey’s future hopes for “Governor” as it looked desperate and like someone who had made promises to powerful monied people, and was not able to deliver.

So now Massey has FAILED at (fake) school choice … and FAILED at (fake) tort reform … after reportedly spending $250,000 of the Senate Republican Caucus’ MONEY.

The real question now, how long will Massey be the Senate Majority Leader???

Stay tuned …  



Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


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GCRP Inaugural Gala Video

Maureen Bannon #WarRoom



YouTube 1/16/2025: HERE

Folks have been asking for the video of the Greenville County Republican Party Upstate Inaugural Gala back on January 16th, 2025 … and it is finally here. 

It was a GREAT event and and we could not have been more excited and honored to be allowed to professionally video the event for our friends and family all across South Carolina … for YOU!!!

Watch HERE … or click on the video image above.  Enjoy …  

Start – Yvonne Julian, GCRP Chairman

4:15 – Ray Sheen, GCRP Parliamentarian – Invocation

5:25 – Linda Young, GCRP Communications Team – Introduce Bill

5:45 – Bill Frady, WORD 98.9 Noon-3PM Host & Lock-N-Load Podcast

18:03 – Jeff Davis, GCRP State Executive Committeeman

23:00 – Maureen Bannon, WARROOM CEO

59:12 – Jeff Davis – closing

RAV – WarRoom:  HERE

We don’t follow a lot of podcast or new world media … and certainly not the #FakeNews Media who have been lying to us for DECADES now … because really, WE are personally living it on the front lines on a daily basis.  

But … there is one exception and it is STEVE BANNON’s WARROOM (and now we are adding in BILL FRADY’s radio show).  We started noticing that a lot … and I mean A LOT … of “our people” kept talking about STEVE BANNON.  I knew him generally from the first TRUMP Administration … but like I have always said, WE “live” this mess on the bleeding edge … and we don’t have time to follow all this stuff online.

However, Bannon has a very good “resume” … outstanding to be frank .. and when I started watching, all I could think is “this guy is saying the same thing WE have been saying” … and he has a lot more direct contacts in DC and TRUMP World than we do … so we started watching and now we are addicted.

So friends … if you do not know STEVE BANNON & WARROOM … you need to.  We sorta do WARROOM here in South Carolina … but BANNON does it nationally, and like us, is all about grassroots, precinct strategy, and getting us all involved as a FORCE MULTIPLIER!!!  




I’d highly recommend watching on Roku or FireTV by downloading the RAV (Real Americas Voice) App.  They run a live TV … but you can catch up on WARROOM recordings anytime using the app.


Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Radical Transparency … DEMAND IT!!!

Especially of your Elected Officials!



Friends, the term “Radical Transparency” is being used a lot in Washington DC and with D.O.G.E. right now … and people are loving it.  That is fantastic as we have been preaching it for years.

To us … radical transparency is a LITMUS TEST issue.  If your elected official won’t meet … they are not to be trusted … and should be primaried … PERIOD!!!

Now, I am not saying they have to meet with every crazy and “unstable” guy off the street that wants to get together and hear themselves talk about the same thing … 5 days a week … but if you are an “honest broker” looking to ask questions … especially hard questions … of your elected “leader” and they are not willing / able to meet in a timely manner … the general rule (99% of the time) they are HIDING SOMETHING!!!

Elected Officials … in order to be an “elected official” that The People are willing to accept .. must practice RADICAL TRANSPARENCY … and more importantly we must DEMAND IT!!!

We do not need to keep falling for their tricks … DEMAND RADICAL TRANSPARENCY!!!

And don’t think it is just you … I personally have been in elected leadership of the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) for 4 years now … 2 years as Chairman and 2 years as the State Executive Committeeman.  At this stage, I really know what is going on (although we learn more every day) … I have really HARD questions to ask our elected officials … and I was elected to ask those questions.  

And, there are certain elected officials who won’t meet with me (like the SC Freedom Caucus, Drew McKissick, and a bunch of RINOs) who obviously have something to hide … and fortunately there are quite a few that will meet, answer the tough questions, and often change course when they hear our perspective. 

But for the ones that won’t meet … that is OK.  If I was doing bad things and trying to hide it, I would not want to meet with me either … just like the DOGE “targets” that don’t want to explain themselves to Elon Musk or Donald TRUMP.

[NOTE:  And know too … it is not just me.  I know many an elected official that say other elected officials won’t meet with them either.  It is everywhere … and they know which ones are BAD and doing corrupt things.  And guess what, like with the DOGE “targets”, the bad people here in South Carolina that won’t meet are simply SELF IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES … so to me it is a good thing!!!]

Everyone wants DOGE South Carolina … we do too … but guess what, you already have it.  You are DOGE, we are DOGE … and anyone who won’t meet, needs to be DOGE’d (aka Primaried) next June 9th, 2026.

It all starts with a simple question to your elected official … “will you meet” … and if they do meet,  don’t be DUPED.  lol  Do your homework and be prepared … call us for tips … and we will happily JOIN YOU … and as we always teach, remember to TRUST NOTHING & verify everything … even what we tell you!!! (, 12/09/2024:  HERE).  

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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mySCGOP Online Precinct ReOrg Manual

Empowering South Carolinians Though Precinct Engagement



We have been teaching Precinct ReOrg here in South Carolina since 2021 … and participation has increased substantially for The People in 2021 & 2023 … it worked … and we want to make #ReOrg2025 will be the BIGGEST EVER!!!

And obviously we have gotten A LOT of questions over the years.

We believe ReOrg should be a transparent & fair process … but the RINOs don’t want you to know about it … and they cheat.  Y’all know our theory … the RINOs want to “Keep it small to control it all.”  We however what EVERYONE to know about ReOrg … because we trust The People … and we don’t want anyone controlling the Party … especially RINOs.

Over the past four years we have shared A LOT with our morning emails (like this) … and shared these articles on … everything from data, Rules, tactics & strategies to further the MAGA America First Agenda here in South Carolina … to empower The People to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! 

But … we still get A LOT of questions on the nuts & bolts of ReOrg … the “basics” … especially from the sooooooo many new Patriots getting involved every day … so we thought it would be helpful to put our REORG MANUAL online … on a dedicated website with all the basics … all the ABCs … on “.xyz” ….   

Take a look … let us know your thoughts, any edits, any additions … and let’s teach EVERYONE about ReOrg.  We will be adding more … but email us at

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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Why Win ReOrg?

#ReOrg2025 … the SOLUTION



#ReOrg2025 … the SOLUTION

ReOrg is our “big deal” right now … actually it should be the ONLY DEAL … and we wanted to remind everyone why given all the crazy legislative mess going on in Columbia.

It really is easy to understand.  By winning ReOrg, we are able to use the voice (and the Bully Pulpit) of our local and state GOP to get better Candidates / Elected Officials … so we can ultimately get better LEGISLATION.

We all know TRUMP would not have won the White House if Chair Ronna McDaniel & Co-Chair Drew McKissick were still in charge of the RNC.  They would have sabotaged the TRUMP Campaign from within the RNC … and we would have 4 more years of Biden / Kamala.  All the excitement out of DC would not exist if TRUMP had not replaced Ronna & Drew with our friends Michael Whatley & Lara TRUMP.

In Greenville, when our 10 Republican & 2 Democrat “liberal” County Council passed the biggest property tax increase in our history back in June 2023 … the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) got busy!!!  We produced the below PALM CARD by the tens of thousands and distributed them all across the county in our 151 Precincts.  We also officially CENSURED the 6 Republicans that voted for the tax increase – and mobilized our precincts for the June Primaries.

Do you think the general public listened MORE because it was the GCRP saying it?  We do!!!  And, they must have, because on June 11th, 2024 we flipped 3 of the 4 seats (in the 4th race our candidate had to back out last minute for family issues) … and on June 9th, 2026 we will get the other two that were not up in 2024.

ReOrg is that important!!! Get Involved!!!

BONUS CONTENT:  And, if you are curious why certain people & elected officials “oppose” us so hard (and especially me individually) … and why all the lies, slander and actual HATE?  It is because RINOs, and even folks you would think should be on our TEAM, do not want to be held accountable.  Seriously, no one wants to be held accountable … especially elected officials … and holding people accountable is the JOB of the GOP!!!  #JoinUS!!!  Join us and really WIN!!!

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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New Executive Order

Executive Order: All Victim Cards Are Now Expired



The past 7 days … since TRUMPs inauguration on Monday, January 20th at 12 O’clock Noon … have been one of the most exciting 7 political days in history.  Donald J. TRUMP, a man who had the entire apparatus of the United States Government against him … the entire Department of Justice & the FBI hunting him … and he NEVER GAVE UP … he came back and showed us exactly what it meant to #NeverSurrender!!!

One thing in Greenville that we DO NOT allow people to speak about are “EXCUSES”!!!  There are no excuses … Donald J. TRUMP did not use excuses to quit … and he had plenty … so we will not either.

Folks will try to say there is too much “apathy” out there and they can not find anyone to come to their Precinct ReOrg meeting.  You have got to be kidding me!!!   Friends, this is the most exciting time in HISTORY to get MAGA / America FIRST Patriots involved.  This is the best time EVER to RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT!!!

GROW PERSONALLY & PROFESSIONALLY:  I remember 4 years ago, the first time I knocked on a random “Republican” door to invite them to our Precinct ReOrg meeting … it was scary!!!  I had a law degree, I was a CPA, I had given presentations to large groups … worked with CEOs, professional athletes & billionaires … but I was nervous not knowing “who” was behind that door and what they would say.  

Guess what … it is normal to be nervous … but I pushed through … and it made me a better person individually & professionally.  I’ll knock on any door and talk with anyone today.  I have learned to LISTEN and connect with people.  YES … LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN!!!  It was one of the best things I ever forced myself to do (since the Citadel) … and it will be GREAT for you too!!!

Sure … find what works for you … door knocking, phone calls, text messages … social media canvasing … whatever works … but CHALLENGE YOURSELF to bring 10 people to your Precinct ReOrg meeting.  Push Yourself!!!  We all have friends and family living all across South Carolina that SUPPORT TRUMP and want to Make America Great Again!!!  Get out there and TELL THEM about #ReOrg2025 … and get them to attend their local precinct ReOrg meeting IN MARCH and vote for the MAGA / America First Patriots.

NOW … get out there and keep recruiting!!!   

Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.

Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).

Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at


Make a Charitable Donation TODAY: HERE

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