Ok … this is where the rubber meets the road. The SC State Legislature there in Columbia goes back into session on TUESDAY, January 9th, 2024. We have just over 5 months. Pre-filled bills will be submitted in early December 2023 (dates TBD).
We need to be prepared … and the time to prepare is NOW!!!
REPUBLICAN PLATFORM: It really should not be hard to pass the entire Republican Platform with a Supermajority of Republicans in both the SC House & SC Senate. Especially in an ELECTION YEAR (2024) where every SC House (124) & SC Senate (46) member is up for re-election.
But we need a list … and we need to be SPECIFIC.
So … what do YOU want passed??? We know there are many of you out there that have a specific issue (and bill number / language) … and we have friends that are asking … so send us your legislative agenda. We will have a list of 10 issues … or 30 … it is up to YOU!!!
And then we will SHOW UP IN COLUMBIA … and get it all passed!!!
We know our personal issue … “real” school choice and it is close to being passed … but what is yours? “Real” Pro-Life, Recall legislation, Closed Primaries, Partisan School Boards, “Real” Judicial Reform, Constitutional Carry, “Real” Election Reform, Civil Asset Forfeiture, FOIA tweaks, Checkbook Law, outlaw FedNow digital currency … etc, etc, etc, etc.
We are not talking generalities … we will need SPECIFIC BILLS!!!
If you want your issue(s) & bill(s) to be ON THE LIST … send it to is. If a bill needs to be DRAFTED, let us know and be ready to help. If you are an expert in the field (like we are on school choice), we want your input, so be ready to help. If it is part of the REPUBLICAN PLATFORM, we want it on the list … easy!!! But we need specifics. This is YOUR opportunity … JOIN US!!!
We need to stop working on our single issues and JOIN TOGETHER to insist on passage of the entire REPUBLICAN PLATFORM!!!
2024 Legislative Agenda:
(1) “Real” School Choice – PACE/ACE: S 285
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Send it to us at team@mySCGOP.com.
All parties are welcome!!!