It is one of the most common tricks in the “establishment” book … bring up something dramatic that you have to vote on RIGHT NOW!!!
No time to think about it (or figure out the truth) … “they” need you to vote this way, this very second, on a major issue. Just “trust me”.
We saw that here in Greenville with the Greenville County Convention back on April 24th, 2023 … the establishment / opposition candidate for Chairman, Sam Manley, came out with a video literally one day before the convention (falsely) claiming that Federal Election Commission records showed that Yvonne Julian (the ultimate winner – HERE) had donated to Democrats in 2014, 2016 & 2018. A local establishment news blog even shared the false claim as well (conveniently without fact checking as they had endorsed the “establishment” ticket) … so people believed it must be true, right?
Well, had it been true it would have been disturbing … but it wasn’t true at all, not by a longshot … A COMPLETE LIE!!!
Some convention delegates figured it out in time, but the vote was closer than it should have been … 438 to 405 … likely because some people believed the LIE. And had Yvonne lost, because of a LIE, what would have happened?
Nothing!!! There are not “do overs” in elections (or leadership votes) … at least not immediately in most cases. And no one seems to suffer the ramifications of these LIES. Sam Manley should be ashamed to show his face (like some of the others that help perpetrate the LIE), but he is in fact today parading himself around as a “TRUMP County Captain” … hanging out buddy buddy with establishment politicians … all after outright LYING 4 months ago in a vain attempt to win an election. Is that right? No, we don’t think so!!! It wasn’t an innocent mistake … to us it was a career killer.
And, what does it say about the people who condone these outright LIES??? That is most troubling part … how can anyone condone outfight LIES like this? Doing so won’t bode well for those people either. Unrepentant LIES can not be tolerated.
Realize people LIE in politics because it works … and that is our fault … we can not fall for the LIES or the last minute “crisis”!!! #LearnTheirTricks!!!
Nor can we condone these LIES by looking the other way after the fact.
So … as a RULE … when there is a last minute “crisis”, just table to vote for a later time so people can consider the matter … or if you have to vote, vote against whatever they are pressuring you to do, or whatever last minute revelation that comes out.
State & Local GOP Meetings:
Since there are no ReOrg or Convention elections until March & April 2025, we are seeing this “trick” play out at local county and the state GOP meetings.
36 HOURS NOTICE: We saw it out of SCGOP Executive Director Hope Walker who 36 hours before the June 17th State Executive Committee meeting informed Jeff Davis (the Greenville State EC elected on April 24th) that he could not attend the meeting. No time to correct the situation or for other County ECs to consider the matter. A made up “crisis” to force through a nefarious outcome.
The vote to keep Davis out was much closer that the SCGOP “establishment” wanted (HERE) … but your county State ECs should have voted “NO” (and allowed Davis in the meeting) for no other reason than the matter should not have been sprung on everyone at the last minute. #LearnTheirTricks!!!
So, why did the SCGOP wait until the last minute to deny Davis entry … because, like LIES, it worked (at least this time)!!!
We are also seeing this tactic play out at local County GOP meetings.
Groups of individuals, often some co-opted MAGA & America FIRST folks who want to be in leadership / power themselves, working (overtly or covertly) with the old guard “establishment” who want to do everything they can to slow down the America FIRST agenda. Don’t fall for these tricks!!!
[NOTE TO SELF …if you have to work with RINOs against other America FIRST Patriots to cobble together the votes you need … you might be on the wrong side!!!]
It happened in the 2021- 2023 ReOrg term with both the Horry & Oconee County GOPs where the “establishment” were able to use these political tactics to take back the local county party.
But folks are waking up to those “tricks”. The disenfranchised and “establishment” will keep trying it as it does work sometimes … but #LearnTheirTricks!!! Don’t fall for it. Hold the Line!!!
Again … as a RULE … when there is a last minute “crisis”, just table to vote for a later time so people can consider the matter … or if you have to vote, vote against whatever they are pressuring you to do, or whatever last minute revelation that comes out.
Keep swinging friends … we are #Winning!!!