TRUMP Derangement Syndrome (TDS) (HERE) … we have all heard of it … pulled our hair out over it … and for those of us that like to get into the details and use critical thinking skills, we feel like it is utter insanity!!!!
Yes, we now know not to (generally) trust the mainstream media … and we know to ignore the “crazies” like the screaming lady pictured above who is now the posterchild for TDS … but what do you do when someone you KNOW PERSONALLY exhibits the exact same traits of derangement syndrome?
What do you do when a fellow County Executive Committeeman (EC) starts saying things that are objectively and provably FALSE?
What do you do when someone you have to work with personally won’t listen to ANY REASON whatsoever? Won’t meet and “talk”? Won’t open their email or look at a single document?
And worst of all … what do you do when “others” believe that person and act / vote based on what that person says?
It is a real quandary and frankly we believe this local “derangement syndrome” is ripping our communities and our Country apart … and is certainly rampant here in South Carolina and within the SCGOP and local County GOPs.
The “Sauna Meeting” (HERE, HERE & HERE) is going to go down in SCGOP history as the perfect learning example of what is going on with this derangement syndrome that has seeped down into local politics.
The example is extreme in that you have an otherwise reasonable appearing person (Jeff Magg) claiming the Greenville County Republican Party (GCRP) does not have a required “budget” … but that same person is the one who created the budget (as the elected Treasurer at the time), called it a budget, presented the budget for passage to the GCRP EC Body (on video 2/7/2022), and voted for the budget at least twice.
Say what?!?!?
And worse … this same person (Jeff Magg), a local Greenville Precinct EC and the former GCRP Treasurer … led a group of other individuals to call an “emergency” Special Meeting with less than 48 hours notice over the issue (that the Budget he prepared & presented in 2022, now never existed) … and other people actually believed him.
And he wasn’t alone … a local attorney and former GCRP Chairman from the 1990s (Stephen Brown, Esq.) supported Jeff Magg, egged him on, and helped orchestrate the entire “Sauna Meeting” debacle. It is bizarre … so folks need to ask themselves, “what is really going on?”
[NOTE: Some people have issues … like the TDS posterchild lady above … while others, for their own personal and political motives, are purposefully stoking derangement syndrome in uninformed individuals – and those people need to be EXPOSED!!! This selfish mental manipulation (HERE, HERE & HERE) is what we want everyone to learn to identify … and we must if we want to Save South Carolina & Save America.]
February 3rd, 2023: The GCRP Executive Board, including Jeff Magg & Stephen Brown, met at the GCRP HQ and both voted in favor (7-1) to approve the 2022 Budget & $1,250 Lease Terms.
Feb. 6, 2022: Jeff Magg submits Budget to Chairman Davis.
Feb. 7, 2022: Jeff Magg (as Treasurer) presents Budget to the full GCRP EC Body.
March 1, 2022: Jeff Magg quits as GCRP Treasurer after asked to prepare appropriate financial statements.
March 7, 2022: GCRP EC Body UNANIMOUSLY (less 1) passes 2022 Budget and Lease.
Jan. 31, 2023: GCRP EC Body renews exact same Budget for 2023.
September 14th, 2023: Jeff Magg leads a less than 48 hour notice emergency “Special Meeting” and state to the GCRP EC Body that:
- He has never seen a Budget (even though Jeff Magg prepared the Budget and presented it to the GCRP EC Body when he was Treasurer).
- GCRP does not have a Budget (even though Jeff Magg voted to approve the Budget and lease terms at least twice).
- GCRP did not have access to HQ until mid-March 2022 so we should not have paid rent starting 1/1/2022, even though the GCRP had full 24/7 access starting 12/15/2021 and had numerous events at the building (and Jeff Magg personally attended such events / meetings).
For more DETAILS from GCRP click HERE
Jeff Magg’s Proposed (and later passed) Budget:
The “Jeff Magg” Sauna Meeting:
(starting at 42 minutes, 37 seconds)
See the discussion. Jeff Davis explains the timeline of events (42:37)… and Jeff Magg come to the mic and says it is all untrue (44:55).
Who do you believe? NEITHER … check yourself!!!
YouTube (starting 42:37): HERE
FEEDBACK: You always have to check … “are we the crazy ones?” WE don’t think their side ever asks themselves that question, but we do, and we think that is what will keep us on the path of TRUTH.
But give us your feedback? What do you see happening locally with these deranged actions by some? We have heard all sorts of reasons from psychopathy liars, to the effects of the COVID vaccine (or shedding for those who are not vaccinated) … up to demon possessed. We don’t know, but send us your thoughts at
If we do not fix this … and get people “talking” to one another … will it ever end?