(#1) Money & (#2) Ego / Access
This week so far we have shared with you the “Why” of ReOrg … Part 1, “Why Don’t I Know About Precinct ReOrg?” (HERE) … Part 2, “Why Does ReOrg Matter?” (HERE).
It is pretty simple … you never heard of ReOrg because the RINO “establishment” did not want you to know about it so that they could “KEEP IT SMALL TO CONTROL IT ALL” … and ReOrg matters because it is the ONLY way we are going to get good America FIIRST candidates / elected officials, and ultimately good America FIRST legislation … which is the reason ultimately why we are all here and involved, right? It better be!!! lol
By it occurred to us to share with you what drives the RINO “establishment” … and it is NOT policy or a desire to “Save America”.
Understanding RINOs
As we mentioned yesterday, most of us here are involved because we have a CAUSE. It may be something like “real” school choice for me personally … or right to life … or election integrity … or judicial reform … etc., etc., etc. RINOs & the “establishment” may have started off with a cause too, but the have long since given up the desire to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT … and “eased” into the go along to get along mode.
But know that there are TWO types of RINOs … and they are motivated by TWO things only:
(#1) MONEY: These are the real dangerous RINOS … although you can sorta understand them if you understand greed. Basically all they care about is $$$$ and they do what they do to line their pockets. They support (and are) the Lindsey Graham type politicians because that is how they do business and access the TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars spent annually by the government. They are ok selling out America if it will keep them in their accustomed lifestyle … or get them an even bigger house or bigger boat. They look nice, talk nice … will sound nice (and smart) as they tell you “why” things have to be the way they are, and that you just don’t understand. And they will tell you they are “conservatives” … as they promote bigger government over and over. These are your lobbyists, donors (to RINOs), senior staffers / appointees, and high-end social types who have actual business & non-profit interests to consider and protect. These are truly dangerous RINOs and are the ones you should be watching … not all the social media ego types detailed below.
[NOTE: Most actual elected officials fall into this MONEY category as they have to be smart / savvy enough (at least initially) to actually get elected … and they have to understand the financial and donation “grift” in order to get re-elected … but the twist with the elected official is they also have a lot of ego and desire for access. As such, most elected officials are a hybrid of both types of RINOs.]
(#2) EGO / ACCESS: Now these are the real scary RINOs … these people are involved because they have literally nothing better to do in their life. They enjoy talking with politicians / elected officials … and taking selfies with them for Facebook and to show their friends. Heck, we have a lot in the SCGOP leadership that simply LIVE for their annual photo at the Governor’s Christmas Party to show all their friends back home at Sunday Church … or perhaps, if they are lucky one day, they will be given the “ORDER OF THE PALMETTO” so that their family members will have a legacy to talk about … as they are “groomed” as the next generation of RINOs. They have no substantial business interest or cause related to government, they just like hanging around like rock band “groupies” … and if you say anything negative about “their elected friend”, get ready for the INSANITY on social media. They will trash and defame you online … and they are “used” (although they are too stupid to know it) by their elected “friends” to trash political opponents in ways the elected official personally could never do. In exchange, the elected official will talk with the person before / after legislative / county council sessions, they will like and share their social media posts … maybe appoint them to a “Board or Commission” … and they will talk “inside baseball” and gossip with these RINOs to string them along like they are “special”. And on special occasions, for the real nasty ones willing to do really nasty things to others … these RINOs may actually get a “job” with the elected officials campaign (little $500 / $1,000 type tasks paid by the campaign) … or an actual “government” job for which they are absolutely not qualified for.
These folks are only relevant if you let them be … so generally try to ignore them … however, BEWARE the politicians that associate / use these types. Any elected official that gives too much credibility to the INSANE crowd … they are someone you don’t want representing The People for another term.
Give it a try. Watch the politically involved (and your elected officials) and try to figure out what bucket they fall in (or will fall in in the future). We think you will find this classification system very eye-opening.
Future RINOs?
BONUS CONTENT – WHAT ARE “FUTURE RINOs”?: We hint at this as a bit of an inside jab at those we have seen “flip” to the RINO side … but future RINOs are folks like us that got involved (after 2020) because they said they had a cause … or wanted to “Save America” … but you can tell they care more about the MONEY or the EGO/ACCESS when push comes to shove. They initially think being a “Patriot” is easy … but when someone threatens their job / business (MONEY) … or they risk losing access to their elected “friends” (EGO / ACCESS) … they fold like a cheap suit.
You probably know what we are talking about. You now see them going to the RINO “parties” and hanging with the same people a few years ago they got involved to fight. Learn to identify them, and stay as far away as you possibly can. We tend to give them a chance to “figure it out” and come back into the fold … we don’t want to become what we are fighting so hard to PURGE … but they should NEVER (at least not for many years) be given any leadership positions within our movement as they are likely to “flip” again when the going gets tough.
Jeff Davis is co-founder of mySCGOP.com. Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.
Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).
Send us your opinion on this great debate … and how you would like to see it solved … by emailing us at team@mySCGOP.com.
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