One of the toughest things to figure out is “who” someone really is especially in the political arena. Are they honest brokers and fighting for America FIRST … or are they subversive, self interested, and saying one thing, while doing another?
We have been talking with grass roots activist, GOP Party members, and legislators / candidates about this “problem” … the problem of identifying “who” is good and “who” is lying about their true intentions … and we have formulated a THREE PART LITMUS TEST to help uncover the truth about folks.
This is intended primarily for candidates and elected officials … you know, the men & women who have stepped up to be LEADERS … but it can be generally applied to anyone involved in South Carolina politics.
America FIRST (or RINO) “Test”:
TEST #1 – the SCGOP Ethics Test: Everybody is aware that the SCGOP state leadership is “establishment” and generally rogue in their actions. SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick actively and openly opposed the RNC TRUMP Team at the National Convention in Milwaukee last month … bitter over being removed from his position as RNC Co-Chair (with Ronna McDaniel) … and that is the reason the SC Delegation was seated in the far back of the convention floor, literally behind Guam!!!
Opposing the TRUMP Team is one thing, but we have also seen the SCGOP State Leadership & State State Executive Committee twist and violate their own Rules (and state law) to suit their “establishment” objectives. Rules for thee, but not for me. This includes such recent findings as the barring of the three duly elected National Delegates in Congressional District 01 (which was reversed by the RNC), reversal of the election of America First supporter Cynthia Oney Jones as Chairman in Congressional District 01, the improper removal of Pamela Godwin as the Lexington County Chairman, the illegal takeover of the Greenville County Republican Party ReOrg in 2023 … and the failure to seat Jeff Davis (Chairman of this organization, mySCGOP) as the duly elected GCRP State Executive Committeeman … just to name a few. All this can no longer stand!!!
Litmus Test Question 1 (SCGOP Ethics), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you actively step-up and speak out about the rogue activities, obvious rules & legal violations, and other objectively bad deeds being perpetrated by the SCGOP State Leadership & State Executive Committee? If not, why should we support you as an “elected leader”? Leaders are supposed to lead, not cower to the establishment because they don’t want to offend anybody and they want to get re-elected.
TEST #2 – the Character Test: Politics is nasty. We see all the rude and disgusting behavior … and outright lies … going on 24/7 on social media and in different meetings / gatherings … and often being perpetrated by people with real criminal records. And then we see the same people, the ones being nasty and lying online, in social media pictures / interviews working with and being supported by elected leaders … elected leaders that often actively encourage the nasty behavior and lies being spread when it “benefits” them … and then we see the same elected leaders “crying” about the lies being told about them.
All of this needs to stop, and anyone … especially elected official … tolerating or actively encouraging this nasty behavior is NO LEADER!!! America FIRST does not tolerate this, and anyone that does, is NOT America FIRST.
Litmus Test Question 2 (Character), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you actively correct the nasty behavior of people that you associate with or that support you, and if they refuse to correct their actions will you disavow and un-associate yourself with these people and their actions?
TEST #3 – the Legislative Test: Oh, and this is the key … the MONEY and petty personal differences that influence folks in South Carolina “politics”. WE have discussed extensively here the issues with School Choice … which involves BILLIONS OF DOLLARS … and how elected officials, even those claiming to be for “limited government & freedom” (namely the SC Freedom Caucus), are pushing for 100% government control over our children from pre-K reading to graduation. We see this clearly in the fight over School Choice (100% gov’t run ESAs vs. Free-Market, limited gov’t, Tax Credit Scholarships which we support) … and we see this with the passage of the First Steps Accountability Act (which we knew nothing about) in the dark of the night in the summer of 2023 (See Part 1 HERE & Part 2 HERE).
This is a simple set of legislation that has to do with our children and our future … and worse it has to do with MONEY, like BILLIONS, which is why it truly exposes “who” elected officials really are. This set of legislation, beyond anything else, is crystal clear. Anyone who would allow for and promote the needless suffering of K-12 children … especially those K-12 children with special needs as this battle has done … and those that want the government to have control over our children … are not America First and do not need to be in elected office or anywhere near politics.
Litmus Test Question 3 (Legislative), as an elected official (and really for anyone), will you (#1) actively support real independent free-market school choice, (#2) actively oppose 100% government run private & Christian school Choice, and (#3) actively support the REVERSAL of the First Steps Accountability Act passed in the summer of 2023?
This is it!!! We have tried it out on all sorts of different elected officials, candidate and SCGOP party leaders / activist … and it works every time.
Let us know your thoughts. Email us at and make any suggestions your like.
Jeff Davis is co-founder of Jeff is a ’89 graduate of The Citadel and in 1993 received his Law/MBA from USC. A tax attorney / CPA licensed in Georgia, Jeff is an uncompromised school choice advocate for K-12 children with special needs. Originally from Charleston, and having practiced in Atlanta, Jeff and his wife Olga now live in Greenville. Jeff completed his two year term as Greenville County Republican Party Chairman and is currently serving as GCRP State Executive Committeeman.
Jeff is also “barred” from attending the SCGOP State Executive Committee Meetings (HERE). Why? Because he dared to run against Drew McKissick for SCGOP Chairman – coming in 2nd with Drew only being reelected by 1.8% (HERE & HERE) – and in September 2021 he told the State Executive Committee that Chad Connelly had been under SLED investigation for a year and a half … and it was true (HERE & HERE).
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